

  1. Cheville auto-bloquante en matière plastique. 92 00926 France
  2. Hip prosthesis stem which is intramedullarly screwed into the femur. 6764/90 Hungary
  3. Spine stabilizing implant system. P92 01559 Hungary
  4. Ecarteur chirurgical à leviers d'écartement articulés. 92 04752 France
  5. Variable implant family for spine osteosynthesis surgery. P 9301066 Hungary
  6. Bone fixing implant 1559/92 Hungary
  7. Crochet à appui bilatéral (CAB). 0631492 France, Germany, Great-Britain, Italy, 324358 Argentina, 5514132 USA, 6-516721 Japan, 703271 South-Korea
  8. Dust-jacket adaptable to any drill. P9901799/13 Hungary
  9. Hand held oscillating saw with flexible blade. P9901800/12 Hungary
  10. Temporary hip and knee spacer implant system for infected prosthesis operations which are reoperated in two sittings. P9800002/5 Hungary
  11. Prothèse totale du genou proviso ire. PCT/FR99/01580 EU


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8th Hungarian Conference on Biomechanics

Updated: 2021.05.06.